The Benefits of "Whole Leaf" Tea

The Benefits of "Whole Leaf" Tea

Colorful Teas


What is loose leaf, also known as whole leaf tea, and what are the benefits of drinking it? Did you know that drinking a good, quality tea is healthy? All tea is rich in vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and even anti-bacterial properties; however, each type of tea has its own specific benefits, as well!

Check this out:

OOLONG tea is known for positive effects with brain health, weight loss, inflammation and lowers the risk of diabetes.

GREEN tea is relative to treatment for memory loss, metabolism, cancer prevention and dental health.

BLACK teas are great for digestion, immunity, energy levels and heart health.

ROOIBOS teas improve the appearance of skin, is a mild pain reliever, helps digestion, heart health, weight loss and has been used to lower the risk of diabetes and helping to build strong bones.

HERBAL teas, otherwise known as “tisane” do not actually contain tea…they are comprised of herbs, seeds, berries, bark and florals such as chamomile flowers and orange blossoms. They are delightful!  Due to the fact that there is no actual “tea” in an herbal tea, they are typically decaffeinated and are amazing for sleep, your immune system and different types of inflammation specific to each tisane.

  • APOTHE VARIETY: Chamomile & Mint (Decaf) tisane specifically encourages sleep, sooths a cold (especially if you add honey), can soothe muscle spasms and menstrual pain and is a digestive aid for stomach aches and bowel issues.
  • APOTHE VARIETY: Lullaby Sleep (Decaf) tisane features Valerian Root which is believed to elevate gamma-aminobutyric acid in the brain and induce sleep, as well. The Chamomile in our Lullaby Tisane has a mild natural sedative effect and the peppermint/spearmint are said to ease the mind to prepare you for sleep, as well…and to top it off, Rosehip is packed with Vitamin C which is thought to act as a natural antidepressant and sleep aid!


Funny you should ask! Well, there is definitely a difference.

Check this out:

  1. There are different grades of tea. One is called “fanning” or “dust.” Fannings and dust are what is left from gathering a better grade of tea. This is typically what is placed into commercial tea bags.
  2. Next you have “broken” tea which is a little better grade but still not whole leaf and typically sold in the larger tea bags.
  3. Finally, we have our whole leaf, or loose leaf teas. These teas are the better quality (some better than others) and better for the environment, as well…zero waste.

Artisan teas are harvested at just the right time, processed in just the right way…some are actually hand-rolled! You will pay nearly five dollars per cup for tea from a bag these days…but once you start enjoying our Artisan Collection, you may never pay by the cup again! It is an experience!


Whole leaf tea expires after two years so you have plenty of time to enjoy.  Our Apothe Artisan Tea Collection is shipped to you in optimal condition and sealed in food-grade bags. Do not store your tea in the refrigerator like you do coffee.  It is best stored in a cool, dry place…perfect for your pantry.

Apothe plans to expand into hand-crafted artisan tea cups, kettles, pitchers and ways for you to take your experience on the go! Stay tuned.


When you’re ready to enjoy a cup of your Apothe Artisan Tea, take the time to clear away just a bit of time for YOU! Even if it is to sit in nature to enjoy your surroundings; in a hot bath, on the couch cuddled up to your favorite show or just before bedtime with your favorite reading material. Whatever your situation, make it a personal experience for you and/or your lovies.

Stay tuned for our specialty honey varieties coming soon! YUM.


If you are a composter, toss your old tea leaves into your compost to speed up the process. If you’re eager to recycle your tea, do some research! There are so many ideas out there for uses. It’s fun!

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Thank you for your support.

Check out our collection of teas. Ethically-sourced from all over the world, our teas are all specifically chosen and we are very proud of our well-rounded collection. You will be glad you did!

Try them all in our Artisan Sample Collection and don’t forget our specialized Tea Infusers! Chose the charm that speaks to you.